Monday, January 19, 2009


i have figured it out.
why some of my friends are my friends.

they pity me.
they feel bad for everything that i have been through and they want to make up for it
by making me happy or whatever it is they want to do

probably about 2/3 of my friends don't actually know what happened to me
and i don't want them to know because i don't want them to pity me
i don't want them to feel sorry for me
i want to be the strong independent women my dad always wanted me to be.

Be not afraid of greatness: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

that's who i want my friends to see me as. and half the time, it feels like they don't
only two people know how i really feel half the time
ms piggy and mon emir
but guess what
mon emir yells at me at tells me that life will go on and i have to move on
suck it up and be a man and go rub some dirt on it
thanks just really
thanks because thats what i want

and ms piggy is auditioning left and right getting herself into all sorts of things.
somedays i feel less important and useless
and some days i feel like everything that i know, or is my life eroding. eroding beneath me!!! eroding eroding!!!

yea life sucks
and then you die
never mind

lets leave this on a happy note.
just kidding.
that was a very dark rant and now i feel like shiiiiiiiiiiiz
it will be a less happy note, but one that is not as dark

i guesss.....
well whatever

go obama

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